For years I have posted verses from the Psalms and a brief comment on Facebook and now am turning them into a blog. It is my conviction that the Psalms, as found in the Bible, are an example for us of honest communication with God. The psalmists express a wide range of emotions, circumstances, and requests. God is not afraid of our questions, doubts, or concerns. Join me as we learn from the Psalms to process our emotions through the character of God, and see him more clearly.
Showing posts with label Truth-telling. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Truth-telling. Show all posts

Thursday, July 11, 2013

Psalm 101 "Honestly"

Psalm 101:5, 7
 “Whoever slanders his neighbor secretly
    I will destroy.
Whoever has a haughty look and an arrogant heart
    I will not endure…

No one who practices deceit
    shall dwell in my house;
no one who utters lies
    shall continue before my eyes.” 

I relate to this royal psalm as expressed by King David, not because I am a king and in power but because he takes his responsibilities seriously in light of his covenant with God. He hates lying in all its forms and pledges to run his administration based on truth and justice for all. Some think this psalm may have been like an oath of office for successive kings in the Davidic line... Something appropriate to consider in times of leadership changes.

It seems to me that when we surround ourselves with those who are factually challenged, who do not care to stick to what is true but are happy to define “truth” however it best fits their agenda, we become like them. An honest person will not despise another honest person even when they disagree.

Unfortunately, human culture sets itself against the truth-teller and often labels him as a troublemaker (like Elisha in 1 Kings 18:17). We need more truthful “troublemakers” and fewer liars at all levels of leadership and service, whether church or state!

 Here is a commentary quote on these verses.

“His sense of social commitment comes to the fore. He bears before God a responsibility for his countrymen (vv 6, 8). Accordingly, he has ensured that the members of his administration are men committed to Yahweh, whose trustworthiness is grounded in their religious faith. His ministers are men picked for their moral integrity and cleanness…the principle of truth, so prized in his own life, he has sought to find equally honored among his entourage.” (Leslie C. Allen, Word Biblical Commentary, Psalms 101-150, page 6)