For years I have posted verses from the Psalms and a brief comment on Facebook and now am turning them into a blog. It is my conviction that the Psalms, as found in the Bible, are an example for us of honest communication with God. The psalmists express a wide range of emotions, circumstances, and requests. God is not afraid of our questions, doubts, or concerns. Join me as we learn from the Psalms to process our emotions through the character of God, and see him more clearly.

Saturday, January 21, 2017

21 Days of Prayer in Psalm 119 (Day #21)

Read Psalm 119:161-168


On this last day of our 21 Days of Prayer + fasting, I ask the question why we are finishing one section short of the end of the Psalm? Perhaps we will finish this tomorrow in church!

Despite our country being in the midst of a time of political division, despite destructive protesters, I do not personally feel persecuted. However, in some contexts that feeling would change, depending on who surrounded me. However, in many countries, Christians have been able to say this first line from verse 161 with the psalmist,

Princes persecute me without cause,
    but my heart stands in awe of your words.
I rejoice at your word
    like one who finds great spoil.
Many times “princes” have felt threatened by humble Christians, simply because a Christian’s highest loyalty is not to the state but to the Kingdom of God in Christ. Christians should pose no violent threat to any if they are following the way of Jesus.

However glorious the pageantry of princes, what is most awesome to followers of Christ is what he has said to us in his word. Join me in standing in awe of what he has proclaimed and brought to pass—that we who were once afar off “have been brought near by the blood of Christ. For he himself is our peace, who has made us both one and has broken down in his flesh the dividing wall of hostility  (Eph 2:13-14)

Such words of promise fulfilled should cause us to rejoice (v. 162) like one who has found much treasure. I remember when I was a child, we would play in the forest behind our house as though we were hunting for lost pirate treasure. Almost anything seemed to be a clue to finding the treasure—but we never did. However, such imaginary adventures give insight into both the longing for and the joy of discovery such a find might bring. Do we have the same response to God’s word? Have we found that our significance, identity, and purpose are wrapped up in the love of God pour out for us? That is a treasure indeed—there is nothing in the world more precious and beautiful!

In Matthew 13:44-46, Jesus described the Kingdom of God in just such treasure-finding terms,
“The kingdom of heaven is like treasure hidden in a field, which a man found and covered up. Then in his joy he goes and sells all that he has and buys that field.
“Again, the kingdom of heaven is like a merchant in search of fine pearls, who, on finding one pearl of great value, went and sold all that he had and bought it.
Our heart needs to be captured by the love of Christ, For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.” (Matt. 6:21) We should not be spoiled by the world's hatred, nor by its riches, but willing to lose/sell it all for the joy of belonging to Christ Jesus! Unlike those who find worldly treasure and become paranoid over hiding and protecting it, when we love God's word we have great peace that we are willing to share (Psalm 119:165).

O Lord Christ, you offer us mercy and the goodness of your grace. We are in awe of your love and faithfulness, all the more vivid when compared to the flawed and failing governments of this world. Let us not live our lives cowering and controlled by fear of governments or hostile crowds. Lord comfort and protect those who are oppressed and persecuted. Let us not be apathetic, but instead, we ask for a Spirit-empowered boldness to stand on your Word, to show love for your ways, and to seek the lost as you sought us. Lord, please speak to us today, and fill us with joy in your presence no matter what comes to pass! Amen.

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