For years I have posted verses from the Psalms and a brief comment on Facebook and now am turning them into a blog. It is my conviction that the Psalms, as found in the Bible, are an example for us of honest communication with God. The psalmists express a wide range of emotions, circumstances, and requests. God is not afraid of our questions, doubts, or concerns. Join me as we learn from the Psalms to process our emotions through the character of God, and see him more clearly.

Sunday, June 23, 2013

Psalm 83 "Fire of the Spirit"

Psalm for Today = 83:13-15
“O my God, make them like whirling dust, like chaff before the wind.
As fire consumes the forest, as the flame sets the mountains ablaze,
so may you pursue them with your tempest and terrify them with your hurricane!”


These authentically raw verses are part of an imprecatory lament psalm. 

God’s people were crying out for the Lord's intervention against those nearby nations who were historically committed to their destruction. They legitimately processed their honest anger at injustice and wickedness by committing it to the character of God. 

This process keeps God's people from taking vengeance into their own hands and lets God do what is best, in his perfect timing. 

As I read these verses this morning, I thought of neither the fires of apocalyptic judgment nor those after a military victory, but rather of the fire of the Holy Spirit and the hurricane of God’s love.

How does Jesus pursue people? 

He doesn't convert us at the point of the sword wielded by man. He pursues us by his Holy Spirit, speaking through the words of the Bible (that like a sword can pierce even to our spirit and separate our inner thoughts and intentions, Heb. 4:12), and through the selfless love of his people…even for their enemies.

Will we be a part of God’s plans in Christ this week? 

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